
Showing posts from January, 2013

Just knowing

Knowing that you can't be mine already breaks my heart.


Acceptance... This is what we need though the pain is still there we all need to learn how to accept..

You goal!

Don't loose track on your goal because one day you'll realize that you lost the moon while counting stars...


I remember the day that you left and didn't say good bye. You told my best friend you were leaving but not me. I told you loved you but you thought I was weird and annoying. Then as you turned around with your firm back facing me I cried as you went on your bus to leave. I miss you.


I just hope one day you can understand.

Girls language


One day

Though I don't want to let you go, I love you with all my heart. I know it's hard but one day I will learn to forget the days you've been with me and all the fun we had together... One day.

One day

One day you will leave and forget that I was ever here.. As you leave, my world will stop and yours will keep on turning, a world filled with happiness! Even if I wasn't in it to begin with..,

Giving up

I love you but I have to give up. Even if I knew you were not mine to begin with. I will give you to her because I know you will be happier with her.


My eyes follow you as you turn around and walk away from me with your black and white beanie.... How I wish you could be mine....... How I wish we could be more than friends but we can't so I will hide my feelings from you until you love me..... Even if I know you won't love me....


I make up a thousand excuses just to run into you by chance..


Maybe we need to clear our thoughts Maybe we need to heal our hearts Maybe we can come back together after we had some time apart I know you love me boy, You know I love you too But this is something I gotta do....

Almost lover

As i look back through my past i think of you and cry because i couldn't get you to love me but i know that you are happy with her though i still love you with all my heart and soul. I love and i'm letting go... Good-bye my almost lover.



Fallen angel

The once was an angel who roamed across the land in search of a man. She was given this job but also given a rule to never fall in love with the man she was searching for. The angel was happy to have taken the job but when she looked at the man whom she was fated to meet it, was the devil a handsome man with black hair and a face that look some what like an angel because he was once an angel before he had turned to the dark side. Finally meeting the devil years have past and their relationship has gotten stronger. Then the angel had suddenly fell in love with him though she knew it was wrong... Once her ruler figured that she broken that one rule, one day while sitting in the holy garden her wings started to darken and the they turned into the devils wings! All that was left of her being a beautiful angel is a heart shaped necklace with one for her feathers in it. The devil that was once an angel went to the devil in search of a home and he came to her and hugged her and whispered ev

Reach for the skies


Sad story

One day in there young teens a guy a girl were happy together but the guy knew that he had only brought her great pain because of an incident that left her with no family and told her that he was leaving and gave her the ring that he was going to propose with and said he will come back one day... 3 years have past since then and he finally got the courage to send her a letter telling her to go to the tree where they first met and said that he will be waiting until she comes. The guy was standing there waiting as the girl came up to him and said hi! Are you waiting for someone? He said you don't remember me?!? She answered no I don't am I supposed to? Then he noticed a ring on her finger but it wasn't the ring he gave to her 3 years ago... He remembered that 2 years ago he read a news paper article stating a girl in her 20 's got into an accident with a drunk driver and lost all of her memories. And he looked at her trying to restrain his tears. And walked a way and


First love is painful and unrequited love is heartbreaking


I've been through so much in my life and I didn't know how I could go on in life but I just kept going even if I get hurt or am hurt because I know I'm not the only one who's been through it


Why did it have to be you Why did I have to love you Why do you hurt me so much Why even when my heart is broken I still love you Why you? Why me? Why?

I can't make you love me

I cry. I laugh. I dream. I wish. But what do you wish for? I wish that I could take back all the words I told you and all the things I did to you and I wish I could replace them with " I'm sorry. " but I know I can't..


It's easy to remember but harder to forget...


It's hard telling if you love a guy or not because sometimes it can be love at first sight <3! Or a long time crush!! And when that does happen don't base it on looks base it on there heart and personality! Because they could look cute but be a jerk on the inside so be careful on who you love... Get to know them first!

If I

If I were to say "I love you" what would you think...



Broken hearts

Sometimes you love someone for a long time and then one day you decide to give up and your heart is broken..... It takes a while to love someone again after you heart has already been broken into a thousand pieces..


When you notice you love someone and then see that he doesn't love you back... </3

Locked box

Everyone has a sealed box deep within our hearts with all the sadness we tried to hide from our past and sometimes the lock breaks free and all the emotions we hid so well comes out... And I'm just waiting for the day that mine will come out and how I will end up in the end... When all of my tears and my fears will one day break free and I just hope that, that one person will be there to pick me up as I fall into the grave I've dug myself..


Don't make your life miserable just because one guy broke your heart remember it can ALWAYS be patched up again <3 learned from experience because I haven't loved anyone else except him but then suddenly after a long time someone new came into my life...

What hurts the most.. Best song!


Took a what anime character would I be and it was dead on!!

You are the depressed/dreamer anime girl.You either lost somebody you love or somebody broke you heart so bad that you can't pick up the shattered pieces without hurting yourself.You think nobody can heal your wounds but don't stop looking because you never know who loves you enough to try hell the one special guy could be right infront of your eyes and you don't even know it.You also love to day dream because it seems like the only place that makes you happy.But little do you know that people all around you are trying to make you happy and you won't let them in fearing you'll get another heartbreak or get hurt worse.But just try and if things go wrong just brush it off and try again.It never hurts to try.One more thing never let that lost love one leave you heart keep them in forever and keep their memory alive. The site is


If it's broken once.. You can mend the pieces back together again... Yet... It won't be the same...


Why? The most unanswered question... Why didn't it have to be that way? Why?? 😢

Letting go

Why does loving someone seem so easy but letting go is the hardest part in love.... But I guess there is always a time for all of us to let go of the things we loved so dearly to us but I guess today's my day...


Sometimes I just don't get life and the way it works but a friend told me that life wouldn't be fun if everything was already given to you sometimes you just have to see where you end up at the end.


Well everybody knows that change is a good thing but what would happen if a guy asked you to change everything about you? Would you change for him??? But remember if he doesn't love you for you then it's not worth fighting for...


Somedays don't you just want to chase the sunset and see where it leads you....

What you you wish for??

Hey everyone if we had 1 wish that was offered to them what should you wish for?? But remember not everything goes the way you wanted it to even if you tried so hard. That the way of life you have to earn what you want sometimes in the end you think that you don't need or as much as you did before....

The tree

Everybody knows the tree of life... What about the tree of death I know that many people are sad but remember even if it is the tree of death in the spring flowers begin to blossom and a new life starts...

What I do for those I love

I fake a smile everyday so no one sees the pain in my eyes, I wash my face everyday so nobody notices I cried the night before, I help others to try and ease me sorrowful heart, I love, live, and breathe for the people I care about and I'll never forget those few who have helped me though the hardest parts of my life...

Nothing but the truth

"The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do"


Sometimes it's hard to let go even though they broke your heart a thousand times. You still end up loving them.......

Trying is different from doing..


Sometimes in life

Sometimes In life we have a lot of problems, regrets, memories, and tears.... I wonder when it would all just go away? •One day I wake up in the middle of the night with tears streaming down my face and I knew I was thinking and dreaming of you AGAIN...•

I cry

I cry for the time that you were almost mine, I cry for the memories I've left behind, I cry for the pain, the lost, the old, and the new, I cry for the times I thought I had you.... -anonymous

Giving up

Sometimes giving up on the guy you really love is hard... But people say ohh just give up on him... But the problem is, is that they don't understand what you have been though and sometimes it's just hard for people to understand you...

The 3 C's




I'll never stop loving you

Those words you said I'll never leave you. I will protect you! ... I love you... Was that all a lie? Did you really mean that? Sometimes it's hard to trust people because you never know who to trust these days.

Jigsaw puzzles

Everybody's life is like a jigsaw puzzle that's one piece away from completion, we are always looking for the one special person with the missing piece to make our lives complete.