
Showing posts from May, 2013

Showing off

Dressing up nicely to show the guy that rejected you, that he is missing out on a lot!!!!! Because everybody deserves a chance!!! And if he missed his awell!!! There are so many other hotter people in the world that are better for you and if you are a guy I'm preferring to moi!!!! Just kidding!!!! You will find mr. Or ms. Right!!!

Lies that's all Ill ever be

I'm sorry  Lies hurt  But all my life was  Was a lie Lie after lie after lie And when will it stop I'm sorry Im sorry for my lies  I'm sorry I couldn't undo what I said I'm.... Sorry...

I give up!

Today I'm finally givin up on the guys I've like for two years......  You know when you have a guy then you give up on him, then this other guy comes in and your like (huh he is pretty cute!) well it's like that for me cuz a few weeks ago I was talking to my fried who moved before and I think I'm starting to like him?!?! Wish me good luck!


It was said that time can heal all wounds. Time can heal broken hearts But it's been 2 years but why haven't I given up Why, though my heart is shattered I still love you  Where are you time? It was said that you help heal ALL wounds but my heart is still broken but still beating with a love for him...  Why does time have to be so cruel? I'm sorry time but you have betrayed me..

The answers

At times I don't know what to say...  I don't know what to think  I don't know where the answers are I don't know who you really are And I don't understand anything at all But why  Why did you do that I didn't do anything to you I love you  But I can't when you don't love me So many questions so little answers....

Having a bad day..

 I'm having a really bad day.. Sorry guys... But I was in class today and there is this teacher whom love to do contests and games at the end of the day and I was wearing a skirt today and a lovely blouse (I never wear those things so it's kind of the first) and my team and the other team lost so we have a consequence.. We had to do the waltz in front of the whole class and the winning team chooses the 2 people to waltz.. And automatically they said" c-2 and ______!!!" ( I'm not putting my name or his name ) I'm trying to give up on the guy not try to fall in love with him again!!!! So I started to tear up and the class was saying I was crying for no reason, but it's not my fault some guys don't understand on how giving up on a guy is so difficult when you have liked him for so long.. Sorry for making you listen to this but at time you just need a friend... You guys understand right??

Be You!!

well you know when the guy you like is so far away and you try to talk to him but you cant... and you try to make small talk but its just to hard? well for me its hard because i end up looking like a weirdo.... its sad you cant talk to the guy you like but you can talk to your best guy friend so easily??? well i think to just act normal and if he doesn't like you for you than screw him!!! sorry not really to say this stuff on the Internet but people should like you for you not for the person you are trying to be! be yourself and people will love you even if you don't notice it, they already love you so be yourself and you will be happy!! sorry if its to long but i think that its a great message!


i cant force myself to say i dont miss you when i do i cant say i never loved you when i did i cant force my heart to love another when i love you and all i have to say is DAMN I MISS YOU...

i fell in love

I fell in love with your voice, your eyes, your laugh, and our little talks. For some reason i never thought of falling for you but after getting to know you better I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU! i love the way you write and the way you talk. but somewhere between our conversations i fell in love with you... i don't know when or how? it just means that love comes in all shapes and sizes, it comes in unexpected ways so don't be afraid to fall in love, embrace it!

Love tornado

Love is like a tornado at full speed bringing everything off the ground as if we floating, but as the tornado of a first love is gone all it leave is heartache and disaster.


For some reason I can't lie to myself... I can't say I don't love you I can't say I will forget you I can't say I don't miss you with out tears falling from my face I can't say ill move on I can't say ill find someone knew because I won't And it's hard to forget when you gave me so much to remember I won't move on because I'm still hope you will come back I won't find someone knew because you are the only someone I'm looking at For the thing I can't and won't do, I never regretted loving you.


When I saw this picture it made me think a lot.... Love is crazy!! It makes your mind in a twist! It makes your heart beat louder than a drum!! It makes you shy around that one person.. It makes fall for the wrong person It makes you fall for the right person It makes your hurt pain that you have never experienced before But what is this feeling we are unknown to? It's that crazy, mind twisting thing we call love....


Hey guys I have been very busy with testing but finally it's over!!! Now I can focus on my blog!!!