
Showing posts from August, 2013


Your lucky Because The way he smiles at you The way he holds your  hand The way he loves you You  are loved  And I watch you smile and laugh back And I wish that I was you But I will never be you Because you are you And I am me And I can't change that.....

One day

I will start a new  I will meet new people  Though I will keep the memories of the past with me I will keep moving forward


I saw him again He was sitting with his back straight Laughing with his friends Though he doesn't talk with me anymore I was still wishing he would be mine After meeting him again  My feelings were coming back to me Why not again  He still doesn't belong to me He never belonged to me to begin with 


I remember his touch I remember the smell of his cologne  The way he fixes his hair The things he wears The way he talks The way he smiles The way he laughs I remember everything Even the ways he holds her hand And the way he kissed her The way he hugs her   And I remember that he isn't mine..... The memories that I would never have with him......

First crushes!

People say first crushes never die, that it true because that person was the first person you love/liked and you can't get rid of him like a piece of paper they will be on your heart for forever. I never said you can't be liking other guys but your first is your first and you can't get rid of it. Me, I liked this one guy for 9 years and I still can't get him out of my mind even though I couldn't have him... I know I'm crazy he was a great friend and he helped me a lot... but i ruined it....but I'm liking this other guy who is really cute~! Hehe but I know heart break! Soo i understand a lot. I love you all!!!!! <3

My sweet poison

You are like a poison  My drug I have become addicted  So much I can't live without you Though its bad it still so good I will probably never be able to escape this sweet poison

What happy life?!

Even if my heart beats, it is as col as ice. I have given up hope to become the best that I could be. I don't know why I'm like this. I'm so confused. How did this happen to me. I can't be myself anymore. After everything that has happened my personality has changed. Why did they do this to me!!! Why....

Love and life

I know that I haven't been writing anything supportive lately but just wait till school starts then you have many wise information that will help you in your love life hopefully you will not follow my footsteps in like many guys! Love all!

Crazy me!

Sorry summer is always busy for because of the summer homework... Gosh why do honors kids getsooooo much   summer homework I'm going crazy!!! But not ask crazy as me likening boys! ^^

Stupid things

Well I was drawing one day and I drew the hottest guy! (Anime) and I thought man if I found a man like this I would so marry him!!! I was about to marry my drawing... 

Announcement~! <3

Sorry I couldn't post anything I was in Aruba for vacation these past few days, but I'm back and please email me any problems you might have or something you want to tell me or request for me! Because I love how you guys read my blog many times and I just want to know what's going on and to see what my readers think about my blog! Please email me at dont be afraid to tell me anything I'm here to help!!!

Hidden love

A love that can never show A love that I can never tell A love that's deep in my heart Will never come out again A love that is so confusing I drown in my own confusion One love can do all that One love can break all of that  One love can ruin your whole life But I can't live without that one love