
Showing posts from September, 2013


At times you look back in life and remember everything that has happened.... And you say DAMN! What was I doing back then!

Break ups

Sometimes guys get the worst end in the break up because of the girls' best friends who are pissed at him.... But sometime people need to just leave them alone for them to sort things out... Give them some space....

Sad but sorry!!!

Sorry guys I have been bumbarded with essays, tests, quizzes, homeworks, and projects for the past 3 weeks and I haven't been able to post anything for a while in sorry!!!!! I still love you!!!!! It's just that I'm have in a bad school year....


When friends you thought were friends were never friends.. What would u say? How would u feel? In the end all I said was "thank you"

I'm fine

I did it on purpose I didn't know that it would hurt so much I wanted him to hate me But I didn't know he would hate so much I just want her to be happy But who wants me to be happy Her happiness is mine.. I love him but I guess I have to give up She is my best friend and I want her to be happy  So go be happy together... I'm fine

My life story part 1

Hey I told you that I would be giving you my story so here is goes ( no judging!!! Please only nice comments ): When I was young I lived in a happy household with a mother, a father, and 2 brothers. I was fun! We moved twice, but that was when I didn't even go to pre-k yet so I didn't really have friends. But when we moved it was just me and my older brother. That same year I got a new brother! Life was great... But when I started pre-k there was this guy... And I know I was like 4 but he was still cute and from then on I started to like him!! I have liked a ton of guys but that person always stayed on the list! We became best friends! During 5th grade my parents got divorced and a lot changed... Then 9 years went by from pre-k and we were in the same middle  school! I still loved him But everything changed during middle school, we had different friends and different lives soo we stopped talking... One day he called me an ugly girl and said he would never date me he would rathe


Sorry I have been busy with school! But there are a ton of hot guys here!!! And I think I like this guy, the one I told you abut before! He is so sweet!!!!! Wish me good luck!!!!


In about a day or two I will be sharing my story...... I have never done this before... But I just want people to know about me and to know that I will always be there for you guys! Please continue to read and follow me!! Please tell others!!! ^^


I feel like in invisible I'm not really known People pass me and don't even notice me It like I have this power Sometimes it's fun Sometimes it's lonely I just want to be visible I want to be known  I don't want to be the girl who sits in the back not talking to anyone I want to be loved  I wonder when that would be happening..


hey guys      i cant thank you enough on how much i love when you read my posts! but i still need more people to come on the page... im sorry but if i dont get the amount im reaching for i will need to delete this account.... but i will try to make my blog more interesting!!!! trust me!!! schools on monday for me so i have so much i want to talk about but please help me out a bit!!!

Not serious at all ( being goofy )

School started for most people but not me!!! But I hope you have a great year! And in all seriousness may we all meet new people that will one day share our lives with ( hopefully cute ones ) >•< 

New guy!!!

New guy!!!!!!!!! He is cute! Nice! Funny! He makes me nervous when I'm talking to him! Idk he is just him!!!!! But I won't get my hopes up!!! But he is just sooooo cute~!!!!