
Showing posts from March, 2013

Love sucks

Not tell you that I love you it the greatest regret I have and watching you leave and you seeing me in a smile was all a lie. I know I'll never see you again but I am happy I ever met you and to this day I just wanted to say I still love you!


Somedays I think of you Somedays I dream of you Sometimes I think would you ever love me too? Sometimes I think there all lies And in the end all I have to say is goodbye But when can I ever say hello To the one I love Why do we always say goodbye? I hate goodbyes, I love hellos!

just me!

as he sits right in front of me my heart beats like a drum i hope he doesn't notice... i hope he does notice so he knows that I'm thinking of him... i want to say hi and start a converstaion but as usual im to nervous the out going me is still trapped in her shell now in the end i didnt say hi and he didnt turn around im sad.... im nervous... im... me!

my loves

my heart stops for a moment i didn't understand why but i think it just skipped a beat! my first love... gone.. like the wind.. my second love comes around like a bird at full speed launching its body into the air just because it had just learnt how to fly then after a while it gets tiring and you just need to rest or just put it to the side.. third love comes to hit me right in the face leaving with scrapes and bruises i tell myself that i will never love again... but then the forth love comes around with colors i have never seen before later on you notice that the colors were only for show and they weren't real and it all just fades away... after that catastrophe i stopped loving, thinking that i give my heart away to easily until the fifth love came in, just as a normal guy though nobody is normal in the world he felt mature yet silly cute yet... well i don't really know how to explain it but though he might like another girl well i still like him.. i do

my masquerade

"I bite my tongue. I fake a smile. My head remains hung. I can do this for awhile. My tongue will bleed. My smile will fade, But I will do this deed, And keep up this masquerade." -K.F. (made by a friend though i will not name names)

me and him....

everyday i would see him pass me by, watching him put up hearts to this other girl... wishing that i could be the one he's looking at... wishing that it could be me... wondering if he would ever like me... he would say 'hi' some days but in the end that's all he would say 'hi' and then go rushing to this other girl all excited to tell her the good news.. why wasn't i his friend? why couldn't i talk to him? why does it have to be her? in the end it doesn't work out the way i planned though she is not his girlfriend, I'm thinking that i actually had a chance... but that's a lie... I'm torn... heart broken... but why do i still think of him? why do i still look at him? why do i still hope for a silver lining that i know will never show.... why..? oh that because I'm in love.......                                                     -C-2


i found this song and its so cute but the thing is, is that its from Disney..... but i love the song and the lyrics because its so true. hope you love it too!


When you get to know people for a long time they end up being like your family...


I am not the one he loves It is her Though I love him I have to let go Though I care I have to stop Though its hard I have to deal with it I love but this is the only way I could save myself from all the heartache


Hey guys follow me on tumblr ( ) and on twitter ( @c_2_love ) I want to know what you think! And if you have any questions just ask!

At times

At times I don't know what to say to you At times I feel scared and don't know why At times I wonder why I feel this way At times I want to scream out loud I love you!!


I love him.... What he said still sticks to me like glue.... Why Why Why do I still love him..


In a happy mood today!!! I don't know why but there is this guy i like and he was so funny and I couldn't stop staring at him! Man why does love make you go CRAZY!!! For sad people out there " turn that frown upside down! "

It hurts

I like you I like you so much I hurts These feelings I can NEVER let you know about...

One day

One day I'm going to tell him I love him!!! But just wondering when I'm going to do it is the problem...


At times we feel lost and scared But just remember that in the beginning there is always an end


Always remember the good times. Never let them go. Letting go means giving in. Giving in means giving up. Never, above all .... Never give up.


Whether I'm in the past, present, or future, I will always love you!


Imaginations Make you go wild When I dream I grasp for your warmth I wish for your heart I yearn for your presence I hope for you to appear But in the end they are just Imaginations


My mind I shaking My heart is racing Am I in love But why do years fall from my face Is this the case Love is weird It's hard to stand I'm getting dizzy My sight is fizzy Why can't I choose Why Why I am in love...

I love you

I love you Can't you see? Ill be anything you want me to be Though you always tend to break my heart And I tend to fall apart I always get back up to start loving you The way I always do They say that you are to mean But you always let me have somebody to lean On you, you are the light to my world The heart to my soul The paper to my pen and The love of my life! I will never stop loving you I will still love you even if you are gone Even if I can't have you Even if you are with her Even if.... I will love forever, forever and always.. Just promise me that one day you can feel the same way too..


At times I look around and see that you are not here... Traces of you are still left behind and I weep every time I see them... Wondering if you are ever going to come back... If you are thinking of me too.. But in the end It was all just thinking of a fantasy that will never happen