
Showing posts from 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hey guys sorry again for not posting! I've been busy with the holidays!!!!! And finally it's coming to an end..... :( well merry Christmas and for people who don't celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!

My knight

My knight in shining armor said he would protect me. But in reality he was just a guy wrapped in tin foil..


I hate rumors! Everyone is talking about me and I didn't even know it!!!! I don't really know what to do as of now.


I might need to delete this... Because people are not really reading.... But I will try!


Hate it when you are texting a person and the person reads it and doesnt reply...


This time I has this one bit of hope that he was the one but in reality it was a lie.. He led me on.. He was my friend.. We talked for hours.. He called me his.. Then he broke my heart.. Why..?


He is moving!!!!! Ok guys before he moves I'm going to tell him I love him!!!!! Wish me good luck!

Not really friends

My friends actually my best friends who are now not my friends went to talking to my brother and not me...... 


I feel your pain.......


I know your hurt and I want to help you so badly.... But I know sometimes leaving you alone is the best way for you to figure things out but that just hurts me more then you... I love you...


I love you, I really do but I just cant fight for you anymore....


Sometimes I want to be left alone  Sometimes I don't Sometimes I feel left out and don't do anything about it Sometimes I feel like I want to do something  And sometimes I don't Sometimes I'm just so confused... 


You know what sucks about falling for a guy you know you are not right for? You fall anyway because you think they might turn out different.

All along

All along I was looking at you, you were just looking at yourself.

Our past

At times in our lives when we think back and remember all of the crazy things we have done, we have the sudden urge to wish and redo those times or forget them, but when we think hard enough we think that if it wasnt for that then I wouldn't be here now! For my case, if it wasnt for my first crush breaking my heart then I wouldn't be here now writing this blog or making sure that I think before I talk! Hehehe but that's just me! We all have our flaws in life we want to erase or delete but sometimes those memories allow us to do better in the future!

To be honest

I know. I never had a boyfriend and I'm still in high school. So what can a girl like me know about love? I've been through many things to say that I don't know what love truly is. Nobody does. But I know that love can be confusing for everyone at one point. So dont give up on you're dreams yet. I haven't given up on mine so why should you?


No words are said and no smiles are needed just one look and I know that your the one. Just one look and I'm thrilled. Just one word and I'm shocked. Even if I'm invisible to you. I still love you. I don't know why, but it just happens that way. Love is blind. Love is confusing. Love is a million things. But why doesn't love have an answer? ❤


Hey guys I know some of you guys have stopped following my blog... And I'm alright with that! Thank you to all the people who have stayed with me! And some people have been having trouble with thier pesonal lives lately and I want everyone to know that I'm on your side! And if you have any trouble please email me at I love all! 


Sorry it's testing time!  Dont give up yet!!! Cuz in the end you will be there, not a moment to spare, the time will go by, and your hope will die, but just keep on believing, even if everyone is leaving, because one day your dreams will come true, and everything will be new, but don't be afraid, I will be with you every step of the way!!!!!!


When people call you weird it's a compliment because what it ordinary??? Nobody is normal, if so then it's weird so normal is wierd!!!!! 

In the end

Sometimes when I get to caught up into other people's drama it ends up becoming my drama and now I'm going to worry about myself because they aren't going to be there when the world is against me! It will only be me! I will become stronger!!! Strong enough to save myself! One day!


As I get to know him more  I end up liking him more I just hope it won't end up like before.

Only just a dream

Dreaming of of a wonderful day Holding hands Resting my head on his shoulder  Hugging him Talking to him  And all that sounds great but  As I wake my sleepyhead I realize He. Was. Never. Mine.  To. Begin. With...


I am trying to write everyday but I can't seem to find the words to say.. I'm sorry but my homework has been taking me about 5 hours on a daily basis... Ughh homework... I'm sorry but I will try harder!!!!

My life not yours!

Everyday people will tell you to do things you don't want to do but in certain situations sometimes you have to take charge or else no one will!


As we waved at each other through a glass window We gave each other smiles  But in the end no words were said No feelings were expressed just a wave  Nothing less nothing more..


At times you look back in life and remember everything that has happened.... And you say DAMN! What was I doing back then!

Break ups

Sometimes guys get the worst end in the break up because of the girls' best friends who are pissed at him.... But sometime people need to just leave them alone for them to sort things out... Give them some space....

Sad but sorry!!!

Sorry guys I have been bumbarded with essays, tests, quizzes, homeworks, and projects for the past 3 weeks and I haven't been able to post anything for a while in sorry!!!!! I still love you!!!!! It's just that I'm have in a bad school year....


When friends you thought were friends were never friends.. What would u say? How would u feel? In the end all I said was "thank you"

I'm fine

I did it on purpose I didn't know that it would hurt so much I wanted him to hate me But I didn't know he would hate so much I just want her to be happy But who wants me to be happy Her happiness is mine.. I love him but I guess I have to give up She is my best friend and I want her to be happy  So go be happy together... I'm fine

My life story part 1

Hey I told you that I would be giving you my story so here is goes ( no judging!!! Please only nice comments ): When I was young I lived in a happy household with a mother, a father, and 2 brothers. I was fun! We moved twice, but that was when I didn't even go to pre-k yet so I didn't really have friends. But when we moved it was just me and my older brother. That same year I got a new brother! Life was great... But when I started pre-k there was this guy... And I know I was like 4 but he was still cute and from then on I started to like him!! I have liked a ton of guys but that person always stayed on the list! We became best friends! During 5th grade my parents got divorced and a lot changed... Then 9 years went by from pre-k and we were in the same middle  school! I still loved him But everything changed during middle school, we had different friends and different lives soo we stopped talking... One day he called me an ugly girl and said he would never date me he would rathe


Sorry I have been busy with school! But there are a ton of hot guys here!!! And I think I like this guy, the one I told you abut before! He is so sweet!!!!! Wish me good luck!!!!


In about a day or two I will be sharing my story...... I have never done this before... But I just want people to know about me and to know that I will always be there for you guys! Please continue to read and follow me!! Please tell others!!! ^^


I feel like in invisible I'm not really known People pass me and don't even notice me It like I have this power Sometimes it's fun Sometimes it's lonely I just want to be visible I want to be known  I don't want to be the girl who sits in the back not talking to anyone I want to be loved  I wonder when that would be happening..


hey guys      i cant thank you enough on how much i love when you read my posts! but i still need more people to come on the page... im sorry but if i dont get the amount im reaching for i will need to delete this account.... but i will try to make my blog more interesting!!!! trust me!!! schools on monday for me so i have so much i want to talk about but please help me out a bit!!!

Not serious at all ( being goofy )

School started for most people but not me!!! But I hope you have a great year! And in all seriousness may we all meet new people that will one day share our lives with ( hopefully cute ones ) >•< 

New guy!!!

New guy!!!!!!!!! He is cute! Nice! Funny! He makes me nervous when I'm talking to him! Idk he is just him!!!!! But I won't get my hopes up!!! But he is just sooooo cute~!!!!


Your lucky Because The way he smiles at you The way he holds your  hand The way he loves you You  are loved  And I watch you smile and laugh back And I wish that I was you But I will never be you Because you are you And I am me And I can't change that.....

One day

I will start a new  I will meet new people  Though I will keep the memories of the past with me I will keep moving forward


I saw him again He was sitting with his back straight Laughing with his friends Though he doesn't talk with me anymore I was still wishing he would be mine After meeting him again  My feelings were coming back to me Why not again  He still doesn't belong to me He never belonged to me to begin with 


I remember his touch I remember the smell of his cologne  The way he fixes his hair The things he wears The way he talks The way he smiles The way he laughs I remember everything Even the ways he holds her hand And the way he kissed her The way he hugs her   And I remember that he isn't mine..... The memories that I would never have with him......

First crushes!

People say first crushes never die, that it true because that person was the first person you love/liked and you can't get rid of him like a piece of paper they will be on your heart for forever. I never said you can't be liking other guys but your first is your first and you can't get rid of it. Me, I liked this one guy for 9 years and I still can't get him out of my mind even though I couldn't have him... I know I'm crazy he was a great friend and he helped me a lot... but i ruined it....but I'm liking this other guy who is really cute~! Hehe but I know heart break! Soo i understand a lot. I love you all!!!!! <3

My sweet poison

You are like a poison  My drug I have become addicted  So much I can't live without you Though its bad it still so good I will probably never be able to escape this sweet poison

What happy life?!

Even if my heart beats, it is as col as ice. I have given up hope to become the best that I could be. I don't know why I'm like this. I'm so confused. How did this happen to me. I can't be myself anymore. After everything that has happened my personality has changed. Why did they do this to me!!! Why....

Love and life

I know that I haven't been writing anything supportive lately but just wait till school starts then you have many wise information that will help you in your love life hopefully you will not follow my footsteps in like many guys! Love all!

Crazy me!

Sorry summer is always busy for because of the summer homework... Gosh why do honors kids getsooooo much   summer homework I'm going crazy!!! But not ask crazy as me likening boys! ^^

Stupid things

Well I was drawing one day and I drew the hottest guy! (Anime) and I thought man if I found a man like this I would so marry him!!! I was about to marry my drawing... 

Announcement~! <3

Sorry I couldn't post anything I was in Aruba for vacation these past few days, but I'm back and please email me any problems you might have or something you want to tell me or request for me! Because I love how you guys read my blog many times and I just want to know what's going on and to see what my readers think about my blog! Please email me at dont be afraid to tell me anything I'm here to help!!!

Hidden love

A love that can never show A love that I can never tell A love that's deep in my heart Will never come out again A love that is so confusing I drown in my own confusion One love can do all that One love can break all of that  One love can ruin your whole life But I can't live without that one love


In the end we are all alone, though we think that the ones we love are one with us, in reality they are not we are just small islands very close together and when seen from afar they look as if we are all one... But we have to face our problems alone we can't ask anyone to face them for you.... But it's ok because nobody said that you can't have a little help from a friend!

Throughout life

Throughout all the things we have in life, in the end we always seem to want more..


I want to be in an anime with lots of hot guys~!!!

anime lovers!

hey anime lovers!!! just so you know i love anime too!!! <3 and if you are into reverse harems like moi then please watch brothers conflic t !!! i am in love!!!! this is the ending song! this is not a spoiler!!!

Red string of fate!

Hey guys have you ever hear the story of the red string of fate?? If not here is the story! A boy was walking home one night and was startled to see an old man leaning up against a fence beneath the moonlight. The old man was standing next to a giant bag and flipping through a book. ‘What are you reading?’  said the boy. ‘This is the book of marriages,’  said the old man,  ‘I need only use one of the red strings in this bag to tie two people together and they will become destined to be married.’ The boy didn’t believe it so the old man took him into the village and pointed out the young girl that was destined to be his wife. The boy became angry as he was really young and did not plan on ever getting married. He picked up a rock and threw it at the girl and ran away from the whole scene as fast as he could. -- Many years later the boy’s parents arranged a marriage for him and on the night of the wedding the boy (well, actually a man now)nervously lifted the veil covering his n


Hey guys!           I'm going to need more page views on my blog here so I know that I should keep doing this!!! I do love blogging but if nobody will read it then whats the use, right??? So please tell your friends!! Ill be so happy!!! Or I would need to delete this blog... Sorry guys!! I just need more page views!! <3 "one day you will need to make a decision between right and wrong... I just hope I pick the right one!!" 


When you lose something important does it always feel as if there is a hole in your heart? The pain.. Will the hole ever be filled with happiness or stay as a scar?


Though it is beautiful a rose will always have thorns.


Sometimes I don't like summer because I won't be able to see my friends as much as I used to..


Hey guy so school ended and a ton of people graduated like me! I will remember the times that I've spent with them  The bonds that I've made with them The love that we shared The dreams that we dreamed The tears that we shed The memories that we've made The laughs that we shared I will remember all I will NEVER forget!!! I miss them so much!!!! Love all, forget none!!

One day

One day ill know  One day ill see One day ill love my dream One day Just don't know when


So I don't know what to do!! I like this guy but my friend likes the same guy!! And I know how much she likes him so every time I'm with her I feel horrible!!! Because how can I do that to a friend??


Sorry I keep forgetting to write because finals are here so ill be out for a little it though I have been writing a new story ill show later!  I'm finally giving up not saying that I totally gave up on him though its hard..... Giving up on someone you've loved for a long time and all the memories you try to forget were the happiest times of my life... Wish me the best of luck!!!!


Happy Father's Day everyone!!! I pray for all those whose fathers that are in a better place!! Love you all!!


My relationship is ruined all because of a forward message.... And he was a great friend too! (And I never had a boyfriend just sayin) lol


Hanging out with friends is always the best way to cheer up!

YouTube or no?

Hey guys I was just wondering I I should do a YouTube account for my singing because I love to sing!!!! Please reply or email me at


Love is so surprising I didn't know when it would happen but it just did!


Dear readers,  Thanks for supporting me in my journey!!!! I love the emails you guys have sent me!!! So please email me at ask any question or tell me your problems it will only be between me and you!!! Thanks!!

Diary entry #1

Hey guys/gals,       I wanted this to be like a diary entry to see what my crazy love life has been like! So to begin with I started like this guy who is like a bad boy.... He is fun to tease and when we started fooling around I became more interested in him... It's kinda awkward... And there is these 3 other guys I like (I know right there is four guys!) one is in another part of the state, the other in a different school, and the last one in my school (childhood friend) but he doesn't want to talk to me.... To many guys and one girl!!! I need to choose!!!                             - C-2


I love giving nicknames for guys like "states" or "owls" or even "double A batteries" because you can talk about them all you want and nobody will know or understand what you're talking about 

Showing off

Dressing up nicely to show the guy that rejected you, that he is missing out on a lot!!!!! Because everybody deserves a chance!!! And if he missed his awell!!! There are so many other hotter people in the world that are better for you and if you are a guy I'm preferring to moi!!!! Just kidding!!!! You will find mr. Or ms. Right!!!

Lies that's all Ill ever be

I'm sorry  Lies hurt  But all my life was  Was a lie Lie after lie after lie And when will it stop I'm sorry Im sorry for my lies  I'm sorry I couldn't undo what I said I'm.... Sorry...

I give up!

Today I'm finally givin up on the guys I've like for two years......  You know when you have a guy then you give up on him, then this other guy comes in and your like (huh he is pretty cute!) well it's like that for me cuz a few weeks ago I was talking to my fried who moved before and I think I'm starting to like him?!?! Wish me good luck!


It was said that time can heal all wounds. Time can heal broken hearts But it's been 2 years but why haven't I given up Why, though my heart is shattered I still love you  Where are you time? It was said that you help heal ALL wounds but my heart is still broken but still beating with a love for him...  Why does time have to be so cruel? I'm sorry time but you have betrayed me..

The answers

At times I don't know what to say...  I don't know what to think  I don't know where the answers are I don't know who you really are And I don't understand anything at all But why  Why did you do that I didn't do anything to you I love you  But I can't when you don't love me So many questions so little answers....

Having a bad day..

 I'm having a really bad day.. Sorry guys... But I was in class today and there is this teacher whom love to do contests and games at the end of the day and I was wearing a skirt today and a lovely blouse (I never wear those things so it's kind of the first) and my team and the other team lost so we have a consequence.. We had to do the waltz in front of the whole class and the winning team chooses the 2 people to waltz.. And automatically they said" c-2 and ______!!!" ( I'm not putting my name or his name ) I'm trying to give up on the guy not try to fall in love with him again!!!! So I started to tear up and the class was saying I was crying for no reason, but it's not my fault some guys don't understand on how giving up on a guy is so difficult when you have liked him for so long.. Sorry for making you listen to this but at time you just need a friend... You guys understand right??

Be You!!

well you know when the guy you like is so far away and you try to talk to him but you cant... and you try to make small talk but its just to hard? well for me its hard because i end up looking like a weirdo.... its sad you cant talk to the guy you like but you can talk to your best guy friend so easily??? well i think to just act normal and if he doesn't like you for you than screw him!!! sorry not really to say this stuff on the Internet but people should like you for you not for the person you are trying to be! be yourself and people will love you even if you don't notice it, they already love you so be yourself and you will be happy!! sorry if its to long but i think that its a great message!


i cant force myself to say i dont miss you when i do i cant say i never loved you when i did i cant force my heart to love another when i love you and all i have to say is DAMN I MISS YOU...

i fell in love

I fell in love with your voice, your eyes, your laugh, and our little talks. For some reason i never thought of falling for you but after getting to know you better I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU! i love the way you write and the way you talk. but somewhere between our conversations i fell in love with you... i don't know when or how? it just means that love comes in all shapes and sizes, it comes in unexpected ways so don't be afraid to fall in love, embrace it!

Love tornado

Love is like a tornado at full speed bringing everything off the ground as if we floating, but as the tornado of a first love is gone all it leave is heartache and disaster.


For some reason I can't lie to myself... I can't say I don't love you I can't say I will forget you I can't say I don't miss you with out tears falling from my face I can't say ill move on I can't say ill find someone knew because I won't And it's hard to forget when you gave me so much to remember I won't move on because I'm still hope you will come back I won't find someone knew because you are the only someone I'm looking at For the thing I can't and won't do, I never regretted loving you.


When I saw this picture it made me think a lot.... Love is crazy!! It makes your mind in a twist! It makes your heart beat louder than a drum!! It makes you shy around that one person.. It makes fall for the wrong person It makes you fall for the right person It makes your hurt pain that you have never experienced before But what is this feeling we are unknown to? It's that crazy, mind twisting thing we call love....


Hey guys I have been very busy with testing but finally it's over!!! Now I can focus on my blog!!!


Someone once said "time heals all wounds" but they failed to mention the scars they would leave behind... Letting go is a big part in life but you will always have the memories of what used to be. My little fairytale where nothing comes true...


Sometime I feel as if I'm getting further and further away from my "friends" but closer and closer to whom my real friends are..


Why do I ALWAYS have to go after the HOT guys who always end up breaking my heart.......

When there was me and you

I remember the song "When there was me and you" by Vanessa Hudgens my favorite part was: "Now I know your not a fairy tale And dreams were meant for sleeping And wishes on a star Just don't come true 'Cause now even I can tell That I confused my feelings with the truth 'Cause I liked the view When there was me and you" I loved this part because now you realize that fairy tales don't always come true and end the way you want it.. To me it was just a dream that I can keep but only JUST a dream nothing more nothing less.... My own little fantasy....

That guy!

When you are talking with your friend about a guy you like then when you notice you are talking about the same guy.... Wow what are you going to do, both of you like the SAME GUY!!! Probably doesn't happen often, though it would be interesting!


Don't lie to your self..... Embrace the feeling or just let it out It will make you feel better! If you keep it in you will only hurt more I know I'm not the one who should be saying it but someone should tell you. Or you might just put on a smile on for the rest of your life....


Hey guys!!! You know when you see a guy and he is cute and stuff... And you think you like him but He ends up being a jerk!!!! I hate those guys but Why do they have to be sooo cute??? Well in life you cant have everything you want Sadly.... Only if...


I hate him but I like him He is cute but He sometimes acts stupidly I think he is funny but Well I'm not sure Thats why I hate that word "BUT"


Sorry I haven't written in a long time.. But nothing really new has happened except that I have been talking to this guy!!! But you know that feeling when you talk to a guy you haven't seen in a long time and you might just like him but ends up that he has a girlfriend..... But you still like him.... Geez that feeling...


The only thing I regret about loving you is never telling you how I felt. Though you are gone I can still tell you "I love you!"

love or hate?

love/hate i don't know if this is love or hate I'm feeling.... what a contradiction!!!


He is so cute!!! I feel so happy baseball season is coming! I'm rooting for you!! I love you even if you are not mine!!!

Sorry couldn't find the right words..

SOME guys don't understand how girls feel. SOME guys do. I'm sorry because I don't have the right words to say but well I don't know sorry guys!! But don't ever tell someone you love them without even knowing them.. Well that's all sorry guys...

I can't stop...

I know this already but I can't help it. I still love you but I know you don't love me.. But well it's to hard to explain...

One day

One day your night will come but don't just wait, look for him while he is looking for you because one day he might pass you and you wouldn't know because you weren't looking in the right places.


No matter how many times in my mind I say "I hate him." My heart always buts and starts telling me that "I love him." I don't know what's true but for now ill listen to my heart and keep it to myself... Though "I hate the way I love you but I love the way I hate you!" - C-2

Love hurts

Ever heard the poem "if you love something set it free. If it comes back to you it's yours, if it doesn't it never really was. No matter how hard you try you can't make someone love you. But sometimes if they know you still love them they'll use you." I love you but I can never make you truly love me the same way I do to you.. But the only reasonably answer is to let go.. But to me that is extremely hard.. I love you and will always love you... Even you don't love me.. </3

sad song..

i love this song! the lyrics are heart breaking always makes me tear up... please listen!

Please tell me

I know it hurts I've been through it People say you're fat? Well who cares? No matter what size you are You are beautiful Someone will love you Someone will care It doesn't have to be the one you like Just look at the people who have been with you through thick and thin Now tell me that nobody cares..

Love sucks

Not tell you that I love you it the greatest regret I have and watching you leave and you seeing me in a smile was all a lie. I know I'll never see you again but I am happy I ever met you and to this day I just wanted to say I still love you!


Somedays I think of you Somedays I dream of you Sometimes I think would you ever love me too? Sometimes I think there all lies And in the end all I have to say is goodbye But when can I ever say hello To the one I love Why do we always say goodbye? I hate goodbyes, I love hellos!

just me!

as he sits right in front of me my heart beats like a drum i hope he doesn't notice... i hope he does notice so he knows that I'm thinking of him... i want to say hi and start a converstaion but as usual im to nervous the out going me is still trapped in her shell now in the end i didnt say hi and he didnt turn around im sad.... im nervous... im... me!

my loves

my heart stops for a moment i didn't understand why but i think it just skipped a beat! my first love... gone.. like the wind.. my second love comes around like a bird at full speed launching its body into the air just because it had just learnt how to fly then after a while it gets tiring and you just need to rest or just put it to the side.. third love comes to hit me right in the face leaving with scrapes and bruises i tell myself that i will never love again... but then the forth love comes around with colors i have never seen before later on you notice that the colors were only for show and they weren't real and it all just fades away... after that catastrophe i stopped loving, thinking that i give my heart away to easily until the fifth love came in, just as a normal guy though nobody is normal in the world he felt mature yet silly cute yet... well i don't really know how to explain it but though he might like another girl well i still like him.. i do

my masquerade

"I bite my tongue. I fake a smile. My head remains hung. I can do this for awhile. My tongue will bleed. My smile will fade, But I will do this deed, And keep up this masquerade." -K.F. (made by a friend though i will not name names)

me and him....

everyday i would see him pass me by, watching him put up hearts to this other girl... wishing that i could be the one he's looking at... wishing that it could be me... wondering if he would ever like me... he would say 'hi' some days but in the end that's all he would say 'hi' and then go rushing to this other girl all excited to tell her the good news.. why wasn't i his friend? why couldn't i talk to him? why does it have to be her? in the end it doesn't work out the way i planned though she is not his girlfriend, I'm thinking that i actually had a chance... but that's a lie... I'm torn... heart broken... but why do i still think of him? why do i still look at him? why do i still hope for a silver lining that i know will never show.... why..? oh that because I'm in love.......                                                     -C-2


i found this song and its so cute but the thing is, is that its from Disney..... but i love the song and the lyrics because its so true. hope you love it too!


When you get to know people for a long time they end up being like your family...


I am not the one he loves It is her Though I love him I have to let go Though I care I have to stop Though its hard I have to deal with it I love but this is the only way I could save myself from all the heartache


Hey guys follow me on tumblr ( ) and on twitter ( @c_2_love ) I want to know what you think! And if you have any questions just ask!

At times

At times I don't know what to say to you At times I feel scared and don't know why At times I wonder why I feel this way At times I want to scream out loud I love you!!


I love him.... What he said still sticks to me like glue.... Why Why Why do I still love him..


In a happy mood today!!! I don't know why but there is this guy i like and he was so funny and I couldn't stop staring at him! Man why does love make you go CRAZY!!! For sad people out there " turn that frown upside down! "

It hurts

I like you I like you so much I hurts These feelings I can NEVER let you know about...

One day

One day I'm going to tell him I love him!!! But just wondering when I'm going to do it is the problem...


At times we feel lost and scared But just remember that in the beginning there is always an end


Always remember the good times. Never let them go. Letting go means giving in. Giving in means giving up. Never, above all .... Never give up.


Whether I'm in the past, present, or future, I will always love you!


Imaginations Make you go wild When I dream I grasp for your warmth I wish for your heart I yearn for your presence I hope for you to appear But in the end they are just Imaginations


My mind I shaking My heart is racing Am I in love But why do years fall from my face Is this the case Love is weird It's hard to stand I'm getting dizzy My sight is fizzy Why can't I choose Why Why I am in love...

I love you

I love you Can't you see? Ill be anything you want me to be Though you always tend to break my heart And I tend to fall apart I always get back up to start loving you The way I always do They say that you are to mean But you always let me have somebody to lean On you, you are the light to my world The heart to my soul The paper to my pen and The love of my life! I will never stop loving you I will still love you even if you are gone Even if I can't have you Even if you are with her Even if.... I will love forever, forever and always.. Just promise me that one day you can feel the same way too..


At times I look around and see that you are not here... Traces of you are still left behind and I weep every time I see them... Wondering if you are ever going to come back... If you are thinking of me too.. But in the end It was all just thinking of a fantasy that will never happen


Hey guys haven't posted in a long time!! Again!! Man I am so mad at myself right now! I am so sorry! But here ill tell you one thing love can come in different shapes and sizes!! So just wait until you find your right shape! But look carefully because the person can just be right next to you and you don't even know it!?!


Sometimes I feel down sometimes I just don't know what to do and I feel so helpless! Well everyone feels that way once and a while so don't isolate your self from everyone else sometimes those people can help you!


Even if I cried my heart out for one night, I still can't get rid of the pain in my heart


Boys if a woman were to disarm herself and cry on your shoulder despite her looking ugly... Hold on to her because where are ever going to find a girl that would do that!


The slight lack of trust will turn into a painful wound.. So do something before it does something to you first!


At times we don't know what to do and we feel helpless... But don't fret my child it's ok to cry


Don't rush take things slow and the answer will come to you!

Happy valentines day!

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Hope people have someone to spend there day with whether its friends or that special someone and I know someone out there is spending there day crying but please don't be sad there is always someone there for you, you just have to wait!

Unanswered questions

When the person you used to like before starts to stare at you when you know he is because your the only one there what does that mean? Does he like you? Or is he noticing you? Or does it mean nothing?


Sorry for not posting anything for a while well I have to get a life too! Well everyone makes mistakes so please accept my apologies!!


Sometimes you need to look hard at some things to see its value...


If you know about your enemy try seeing things from his eyes, not yours.


There are times when some people who were only thought to pass you by remains in your heart after they leave. It's not until after they're separated the weight and meaning of their encounter is truly understood.


I know what I love, I love what I know..


At times kindness can be misunderstood...


Well it's life we can never get what we want even if we wanted it so much it's the way of life....




All is fair in love and war. If I lose the world because or you, I wouldn't lose you for the sake of the world.


i think when you’re young, you’re hoping that this person will be the right one, the one you’re going to be in love with forever. but sometimes you want that so much you create something that isn’t really there - Johnny Depp I got this from a Facebook page and I like it very much please help them out and like it but don't forget to visit my page too!

My sign!

I always say this now I have a sign! Everything does happen for a reason so don't give up!

love language!


Lotus flower.

“The lotus is the most beautiful flower, whose petals open one by one. But it will only grow in the mud. In order to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud — the obstacles of life and its suffering. … The mud speaks of the common ground that humans share, no matter what our stations in life. … Whether we have it all or we have nothing, we are all faced with the same obstacles: sadness, loss, illness, dying and death. If we are to strive as human beings to gain more wisdom, more kindness and more compassion, we must have the intention to grow as a lotus and open each petal one by one. ” ―Goldie Hawn

To some people..

To some people, love is like a sign of victory like a meal or a trophy they like to use to boast about.. To some people, love is a process of waiting endlessly for the other person to love them with all their heart. To that woman, love is a secret that can't be exposed to others, not even herself...

Things we have to deal with.

There are knots that can't be untangled....


To that woman, a scar was like falling into the deep water. All the onlookers who don't know the depth of the scars keep asking why she can't just pull herself out of the water? There are to many people who are oblivious and belittle strangers' scars. That woman didn't want to hear those empty words. At least one person. At least.... from that one person. Well I don't know.....


When your love is rejected by the person you love the most.. When you're betrayed by the person that you're closest to.... That's when your self-abasement (self-punishment) begins. You hide out in a space that's your own and close out your heart. I can't just pass by those people when I find then..

Just knowing

Knowing that you can't be mine already breaks my heart.


Acceptance... This is what we need though the pain is still there we all need to learn how to accept..

You goal!

Don't loose track on your goal because one day you'll realize that you lost the moon while counting stars...


I remember the day that you left and didn't say good bye. You told my best friend you were leaving but not me. I told you loved you but you thought I was weird and annoying. Then as you turned around with your firm back facing me I cried as you went on your bus to leave. I miss you.


I just hope one day you can understand.

Girls language


One day

Though I don't want to let you go, I love you with all my heart. I know it's hard but one day I will learn to forget the days you've been with me and all the fun we had together... One day.

One day

One day you will leave and forget that I was ever here.. As you leave, my world will stop and yours will keep on turning, a world filled with happiness! Even if I wasn't in it to begin with..,

Giving up

I love you but I have to give up. Even if I knew you were not mine to begin with. I will give you to her because I know you will be happier with her.


My eyes follow you as you turn around and walk away from me with your black and white beanie.... How I wish you could be mine....... How I wish we could be more than friends but we can't so I will hide my feelings from you until you love me..... Even if I know you won't love me....


I make up a thousand excuses just to run into you by chance..


Maybe we need to clear our thoughts Maybe we need to heal our hearts Maybe we can come back together after we had some time apart I know you love me boy, You know I love you too But this is something I gotta do....

Almost lover

As i look back through my past i think of you and cry because i couldn't get you to love me but i know that you are happy with her though i still love you with all my heart and soul. I love and i'm letting go... Good-bye my almost lover.



Fallen angel

The once was an angel who roamed across the land in search of a man. She was given this job but also given a rule to never fall in love with the man she was searching for. The angel was happy to have taken the job but when she looked at the man whom she was fated to meet it, was the devil a handsome man with black hair and a face that look some what like an angel because he was once an angel before he had turned to the dark side. Finally meeting the devil years have past and their relationship has gotten stronger. Then the angel had suddenly fell in love with him though she knew it was wrong... Once her ruler figured that she broken that one rule, one day while sitting in the holy garden her wings started to darken and the they turned into the devils wings! All that was left of her being a beautiful angel is a heart shaped necklace with one for her feathers in it. The devil that was once an angel went to the devil in search of a home and he came to her and hugged her and whispered ev

Reach for the skies


Sad story

One day in there young teens a guy a girl were happy together but the guy knew that he had only brought her great pain because of an incident that left her with no family and told her that he was leaving and gave her the ring that he was going to propose with and said he will come back one day... 3 years have past since then and he finally got the courage to send her a letter telling her to go to the tree where they first met and said that he will be waiting until she comes. The guy was standing there waiting as the girl came up to him and said hi! Are you waiting for someone? He said you don't remember me?!? She answered no I don't am I supposed to? Then he noticed a ring on her finger but it wasn't the ring he gave to her 3 years ago... He remembered that 2 years ago he read a news paper article stating a girl in her 20 's got into an accident with a drunk driver and lost all of her memories. And he looked at her trying to restrain his tears. And walked a way and


First love is painful and unrequited love is heartbreaking


I've been through so much in my life and I didn't know how I could go on in life but I just kept going even if I get hurt or am hurt because I know I'm not the only one who's been through it


Why did it have to be you Why did I have to love you Why do you hurt me so much Why even when my heart is broken I still love you Why you? Why me? Why?

I can't make you love me

I cry. I laugh. I dream. I wish. But what do you wish for? I wish that I could take back all the words I told you and all the things I did to you and I wish I could replace them with " I'm sorry. " but I know I can't..


It's easy to remember but harder to forget...


It's hard telling if you love a guy or not because sometimes it can be love at first sight <3! Or a long time crush!! And when that does happen don't base it on looks base it on there heart and personality! Because they could look cute but be a jerk on the inside so be careful on who you love... Get to know them first!

If I

If I were to say "I love you" what would you think...



Broken hearts

Sometimes you love someone for a long time and then one day you decide to give up and your heart is broken..... It takes a while to love someone again after you heart has already been broken into a thousand pieces..


When you notice you love someone and then see that he doesn't love you back... </3

Locked box

Everyone has a sealed box deep within our hearts with all the sadness we tried to hide from our past and sometimes the lock breaks free and all the emotions we hid so well comes out... And I'm just waiting for the day that mine will come out and how I will end up in the end... When all of my tears and my fears will one day break free and I just hope that, that one person will be there to pick me up as I fall into the grave I've dug myself..


Don't make your life miserable just because one guy broke your heart remember it can ALWAYS be patched up again <3 learned from experience because I haven't loved anyone else except him but then suddenly after a long time someone new came into my life...

What hurts the most.. Best song!


Took a what anime character would I be and it was dead on!!

You are the depressed/dreamer anime girl.You either lost somebody you love or somebody broke you heart so bad that you can't pick up the shattered pieces without hurting yourself.You think nobody can heal your wounds but don't stop looking because you never know who loves you enough to try hell the one special guy could be right infront of your eyes and you don't even know it.You also love to day dream because it seems like the only place that makes you happy.But little do you know that people all around you are trying to make you happy and you won't let them in fearing you'll get another heartbreak or get hurt worse.But just try and if things go wrong just brush it off and try again.It never hurts to try.One more thing never let that lost love one leave you heart keep them in forever and keep their memory alive. The site is


If it's broken once.. You can mend the pieces back together again... Yet... It won't be the same...


Why? The most unanswered question... Why didn't it have to be that way? Why?? 😢

Letting go

Why does loving someone seem so easy but letting go is the hardest part in love.... But I guess there is always a time for all of us to let go of the things we loved so dearly to us but I guess today's my day...


Sometimes I just don't get life and the way it works but a friend told me that life wouldn't be fun if everything was already given to you sometimes you just have to see where you end up at the end.


Well everybody knows that change is a good thing but what would happen if a guy asked you to change everything about you? Would you change for him??? But remember if he doesn't love you for you then it's not worth fighting for...


Somedays don't you just want to chase the sunset and see where it leads you....

What you you wish for??

Hey everyone if we had 1 wish that was offered to them what should you wish for?? But remember not everything goes the way you wanted it to even if you tried so hard. That the way of life you have to earn what you want sometimes in the end you think that you don't need or as much as you did before....

The tree

Everybody knows the tree of life... What about the tree of death I know that many people are sad but remember even if it is the tree of death in the spring flowers begin to blossom and a new life starts...

What I do for those I love

I fake a smile everyday so no one sees the pain in my eyes, I wash my face everyday so nobody notices I cried the night before, I help others to try and ease me sorrowful heart, I love, live, and breathe for the people I care about and I'll never forget those few who have helped me though the hardest parts of my life...

Nothing but the truth

"The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do"


Sometimes it's hard to let go even though they broke your heart a thousand times. You still end up loving them.......

Trying is different from doing..


Sometimes in life

Sometimes In life we have a lot of problems, regrets, memories, and tears.... I wonder when it would all just go away? •One day I wake up in the middle of the night with tears streaming down my face and I knew I was thinking and dreaming of you AGAIN...•

I cry

I cry for the time that you were almost mine, I cry for the memories I've left behind, I cry for the pain, the lost, the old, and the new, I cry for the times I thought I had you.... -anonymous

Giving up

Sometimes giving up on the guy you really love is hard... But people say ohh just give up on him... But the problem is, is that they don't understand what you have been though and sometimes it's just hard for people to understand you...

The 3 C's




I'll never stop loving you

Those words you said I'll never leave you. I will protect you! ... I love you... Was that all a lie? Did you really mean that? Sometimes it's hard to trust people because you never know who to trust these days.